Hot Yoga and Group Fitness
We use therapeutic Infrared Radiant Heat in our studio. Unobtrusive panels in the ceiling heat objects in the room, rather than the air, allowing the air to be slightly cooler and more comfortable since your body is being heated internally. This is the same system hospitals use in infrared saunas to promote tissue healing. It includes an integrated humidity system to keep the conditions optimal at all times of the year.
• The heat makes muscles more elastic and pliable which allows for deeper, safer stretching
• The Heat enhances vasodilation so that more blood (and oxygen) is delivered to the muscles, the joints, and the endocrine, thyroid and lymphatic systems bringing natural healing and balance back in to your body
• Because of vasodilation, your heart works harder to pump greater volume of blood, resulting in greater cardiovascular benefit.
• The Heat speeds up the breakdown of glucose and fatty acids
• Sweating is good for your skin because it opens up and unclogs pores
• And, it feels really good to just let the sweat pour out of you!
The benefits you receive from a regular, devoted yoga and fitness practice will vary depending on who you are, your health history and what you put into your practice. The most frequently reported benefits are:
• Escalation in energy and metabolism;
• Weight loss and increase in muscle tone;
• Increase in balance, strength and flexibility;
• Reduction in heart and respiratory rates;
• Decrease in blood pressure;
• Improved functioning of internal organs;
• Reduction of insomnia and depression;
• Strengthening of the immune system;
• Reduction in stress and a newfound ability to relax during stressful moments;
• Alleviation of symptoms of chronic diseases and injuries;
• Rejuvenated sense of calm and well-being;
• An inspired and positive outlook on life
Synergy Hot 26
Synergy Hot 26 – The original ‘hot yoga’ sequence. 26 postures and two breathing exercises designed to move our body through its full range of motion, and maintain the health of all joints, organs, muscles, bones, ligaments, metabolic systems and cells. There is no weight bearing on the arms or shoulders, so it is particularly therapeutic for those recovering from or preventing injury. It is designed for beginners and all levels of experience and fitness. (105 degrees.)
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Hot Power Vinyasa
Varying and flowing sequences of postures designed to promote upper and lower body strength, balance and flexibility. Fluid cardiovascular movements are connected by your breath. Each teacher has his or her unique style. Students of all levels welcome. (95 degrees)
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Sweet Honey Flow Yoga
Gentle vinyasa flow followed by sweet YIN stretching that gets deep into the fascia. Suitable for all levels; just comfortably warm. (85 degrees)
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Hot LAB (Legs, Abs and Butt)
Looking for amazing abs, toned legs and great booty?! You’ve come to the right place! Join us in the L.A.B. to tone, strengthen, and sculpt your lower body and abs! This athletic-based sculpting class targets these key areas utilizing resistance bands, gliders and body weight! Get ready to sweat your way through an intensive L.A.B. workout!
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Off the Barre
Off the Barre (warm or hot) – You don’t have to be a ballerina to take our Off the Barre class! Low impact cardio and small isometric movements are combined with fast-paced exercises to achieve muscular endurance and strength. Embrace the shake and burn to fun upbeat playlists and walk out of class feeling sleek, toned and accomplished!
*Light weights, gliders and toning balls
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Group Pilates
This 50 minute intimate, circuit-training, equipment based class incorporates all of our Pilates equipment, including the Reformer, Tower, Chair, Spring-Wall, and Stability Barrels.
This class will give you a well balanced workout geared to lengthen and strengthen your muscles, challenge your balance and pump up that heart rate to burn off those calories! You will quickly be addicted once you see your body completely change and become that of a dancer!
We suggest that you come in with a good knowledge and experience on the Pilates equipment before diving into this class. We do have Pilates intro packages available in case you do not.
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• Wear light workout clothing; something you feel comfortable sweating in; stretchy fabric-not cotton. Women wear shorts or capris, jog bra or tank top. Men wear shorts or bathing suit with or without a t-shirt or tank. Changing rooms provided
• Come to class well hydrated. We recommend drinking about a gallon the day before you practice (that’s just over seven 16.9 oz bottles). Good hydration supports the healthy functioning of all your body’s systems and it makes the heat feel comfortable rather than overwhelming.
• Come on an empty stomach, but have something small and easy to digest 1-2 hours before class
• Arrive 10-15 minutes before class. This will allow time to prepare for class. You can register online or in person. Registering online will ensure that you have a spot in the class.
• We provide everything you need; yoga mats, towels, water (bring your own refillable bottle) And Showers!
• Come with a positive, open attitude. You don’t have to be flexible or in shape to do yoga, you just have to do it; you will thank yourself for coming!
Come as often as you can. Ideally, 3-5 times a week for the first two to three months. This gives your body a jump start, and in that time period you will notice incredible improvements in your practice and in your overall health and life. The time and effort you put into it will be returned to you tenfold.
If you have high blood pressure, particularly low blood pressure, or are pregnant or nursing, you should check with your doctor before trying a class. If you simply do not like the heat, you might find that your body learns to like it after a few classes!